tirsdag 1. september 2009

Nå skjer det...

Oh my! Nå skjer det saker og ting. Fikk aldri tak i Simone på telefonen, men har hatt kontakt litt frem og tilbake på mail. Her er samtalene:


Yes, a six month position is fine. Some countries would allow you to come on a visitors' permit. as it is a working student position. Visa requirements vary from country to country so you will have to check with the embassy. There are two other working students that are your age or close. There are five employees. I am not sure about Florida. The position involves everything involved in the running of a forty three horse competition dressage barn. Mucking out, turn outs, warming up horses, cooling out horses, training depending on your experience, grooming longing maintenance. The salary is $400 per month. You will receive a formal riding lesson each week as well as help in the areas that interest you. What are your goals? Are you hoping for a career with horses? What is your riding/work experience? The schedule is five days one week five and half the next week alternating. We start at six thirty and finish between four and five. You will do late feed two times per week which is done between eight thirty pm and ten and takes about half an hour



Hi again Simone!

I have to say it´s hard to reach you. Tried to call tou yesterday.
Well, yes I have some questions.

First, I am planning to work for 6 months. Is this okay with you?
This working student position, can you tell me a bit of what this
includes? Which type of work, are there any riding and so on.
Will I work seven days a week?
Are there any other working students, how many employes? Anyone my age?
Will I go with you to Florida or stay in Canada when the winter comes?

I hope you got the chance to answer all these questions. (sorry, I
know it is a bit much...)
Are you familiar with the process of getting a VISA? I think I would
need you to fill out some forms,
then I will fill out some after, and then I will be taking it all with
me to the embassy in Oslo.
Normally this process takes about a month. Maybe a bit longer.

I really hope we can figure this out.
Looking forward hearing from you again :)

Kind regards
Annelin Rygg (20)


I got you message. Do you have any other questions? How long would
it take you to get a visa?



Hi Simone.
Yes, I am still interested in this Working student position.
To get my work permit I need at least one month, maybe two months. To
strart this process, the first thing I need is a job offer from you.
So, now you know that I am interested, and availible. But will you
give me an offer, and is there any chance that you colud give me a
moth or two to get the papers done?

Kind regards
Annelin Rygg (20)

Så, ja det ser ut til å ordne seg for snille piker. Er så utrolig spent på hva dette blir. Det kan bli mitt livs opptur, eller det kan bli et mareritt. Men da er ikke det heller krise. Ser for meg at jeg bare pakker beggen og reiser et annet sted da. Har dere sett på kartet hvor stort Amerika er???? Det er bare muligheter. Og fyttigriiiisen, dette er min mulighet! ÆæÆæÆæ.

Kommer tilbake med mer info så fort jeg vet noe mer:) www.queenswoodstables.com er sida til dette stedet dersom noen vil se hvor det er...

Lev hver dag maksimalt!

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